Sectional Sofas in a Condo; How to Choose One that Will Fit

Sectional Sofas in a Condo; How to Choose One that Will Fit

Published by Clive Braude on 20th May 2015

Let’s face it: Condo living, in spite of the glorious views and the great amenities, can often be inconvenient. Buying furniture that fits in your living room can be a challenge, and if you’re not careful, you might find yourself (and your guests!) having to twist, shimmy, crawl, leap, limbo, or Macarena from one room to the next. That’s why sectional sofas are great for condo-dwellers. The sectional offers the comfort that you need while giving you flexibility with respect to the layout. Choosing the right condo layout to match a sectional sofa means your condo will feel less like a dance floor and more like a functional living space. Follow these five tips for laying out your condo and save the electric boogaloo for disco night.

Place Accent Tables Near the Windows

Sectionals are quite large, and if you place them directly along walls and underneath windows, the resulting effect can be atrocious. Unless your windows run the entire length of the wall, having a sectional sofa beneath them (and nothing else there) can make your space feel drab and boring. Pull your sectional out from the wall a few feet and position an accent table beneath large windows. You’ll make the space feel more inviting and visually interesting, and the contrast will make your condo feel livelier.

Invest in a Colourful Accent Rug

As a large piece of furniture, a sectional is often just too much of any one colour for a living space. Having a diversity of colours in your condo is important for giving the space a sense of life. A colourful accent rug placed near your sectional can create a sense of contrast that breathes vitality into an otherwise drab room. Don’t overdo it on the colours – a rainbow rug next to a black sectional is tacky. Pick a rug with two or three colours at the maximum, one of which matches the sectional.

Balance the Large Sectional With a Small Chair

Large sectionals are highly functional, but if there’s nothing else in the room they can be overpowering. A small accent chair placed just a few feet opposite the sectional adds an interesting visual contrast to your space that makes it look more balanced. It also creates a conversation area that your guests will love. For narrow spaces, one chair might appear off-kilter, especially if you’re trying to use the chair to counterbalance the longer end of the sectional. In this situation, adding a second accent chair can usually create a much better aesthetic.

Try an Ottoman Coffee Table

A small coffee table is a great living room addition that can make your space more functional, while an Ottoman is a fantastic accent piece that gives your living room a sense of character. You can combine the elegance of an Ottoman and the usefulness of a coffee table by accenting your sectional with an Ottoman coffee table. Relax and put your feet up on the Ottoman at the end of a long day – or if you need a caffeine fix, flip the lid over and you’ll find a coffee table surface underneath. This great accent piece matches the functionality and contemporary aesthetic of a sectional sofa, turning your condo into a modern retreat.

Give the Walls Some Pizzazz

A sectional sofa that rests in a corner of a room or creates a dividing point in a larger space can also serve as a major anchoring point when it comes to your walls. If your condo walls are entirely barren or if your only wall décor is above the sectional, your living room will appear unbalanced. A few great paintings, photo prints or movie posters can make your walls more interesting and create a counterbalance to the sectional. Aim to space out your wall décor fairly evenly, but leave the walls above the sectional bare.

If you have a new sectional sofa, laying out your condo in a way that matches it is a fun and unique endeavour. Try a few of these ideas for accent pieces and watch as they transform your condo into a beautiful and spacious place for you and your guests. There are dozens of ways to match and accent a sectional – experiment with your space and discover the layout that works for you!