Decor Tips: Using White as a Base Color: Tips for Decorating With White

Decor Tips: Using White as a Base Color: Tips for Decorating With White

Published by Clive Braude on 1st Sep 2015

Some people prefer to decorate their homes with a sunny interior of bright colours that match the springtime weather, others like muted oranges and greys to go along with the crisp autumn. Somewhere in the middle are the people who enjoy a nice, neutral white base colour to fit in with any season or holiday. White may seem like a boring choice to some, but they don't understand how inventive someone needs to be to make a white room come to life. Anybody up for the challenge may want to keep some of these tips in mind when decorating an all-white living room.

Textures Will Add Depth to an All-White Room

If not done properly, a room that is decorated entirely in white can end up looking sterile and feel more like an operating room in a hospital than a place to sit and relax. The first step when decorating with white as a base colour is to make sure there are plenty of textures around the room to add depth. Rugs, throws and cushions in different textures can add an extra layer to the room and help furniture stand out from the white walls behind it.

The Right Accent Colour can Enhance a White Palette

The biggest fear with a white living room is that the colour will blend together and feel too much like a waiting room and not enough like an inviting place for guests to relax. Choose a light accent colour to decorate with and add a splash of excitement to the living room if the white is not working out. Experiment with a variety of light hues to see which one would make the best accent colour and use it to add artwork to the walls or cushions to the sofa of your chosen shade.

Prepare for the Increased Likelihood of Stains

The biggest drawback to an all-white room is the way it can transform a humble living room into a blank canvas for stains and dirt. This does not have to be a deal breaker however, as investing in stain resistant upholstery and easily cleanable materials can guarantee that any stain can be dealt with quickly and efficiently. All furniture and rugs should be protected with stain guards and researched in advance to understand the best methods for cleaning them. Furniture and carpets aren't the only surfaces to pick up dirt, as walls and baseboards are a magnet for dust and debris. Stick to a regular cleaning schedule and the room will always shine. Deciding to decorate a room with a white base colour is an extremely bold move and, despite how difficult it can be to pull off, one that can yield extremely unique and incredible results. Make sure to add textures and accent colours to spice things up if the results aren't what you imagined and your room will begin to look exactly how you imagined it.