Daily Habits of Efficient People at Home

Daily Habits of Efficient People at Home

Published by Clive Braude on 26th Jul 2019

We all know a few of those highly efficient types. They seem to cross everything off their to-do list every single day, and they never seem to get too stressed out by the little things. What is that they do, that we can all learn from? And more to the point: start doing today to make our lives as efficient and organized as theirs.

Would it surprise you to learn that a lot of these daily habits start right at home? Let’s dive in.

#1: Wake up early. This seems like a no brainer, but really. The vast majority of efficient, get-it-done today folks wake up early. And if you ask them about it, they will tell you that they actually like getting up early. Getting up early allows them to get a start on the day in a calm, measured way. We find that the ability to wake up early depends on the comfort of your bedroom. Your bed frame, your mattress, the organization of your night stands, and the area rug beneath your toes. Treat yourself to a new bed frame and mattress. The Albury Queen bed frame packs an extra organization punch with storage drawers tucked seamlessly into the end of the bed.

#2: Everything In its place. Another trend amongst highly efficient people is that they have a place for everything. Of course there is a small amount of tasteful clutter, but even the clutter has its place. If you want to incorporate this into your routine, start easy. Go room by room over a few weeks and find a place for everything. If you find you are running out of places to put things, this is a gentle nudge that maybe you need to be starting a donatio pile as well… Bookshelves are a great way to put everything in its place. Think baskets, labels, storage boxes. We love the Starmore Bookshelf, because no matter what you put on it, it’s going to look amazing!

#3: Never go to bed with a messy home. Never, ever, ever. Spend 15 minutes before you go to bed putting everything back into its place. Tidy the kitchen, run the dishwasher, put out lunches for the next day, set the coffee maker, and wipe down surfaces. Think of it like setting a clean slate for the next day. You’ll be thankful that you did.