New Years Resolutions & Your Home

New Years Resolutions & Your Home

Published by Pallucci Furniture on 27th Dec 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, we look and wonder what this next year will bring. Though none of us know what 2022 has in store, we want to feel like we have control within our lives so that we can create our own happiness no matter what life throws our way. The best way to do that is work within the space that is ours. The one thing that at the end of the day is the home that we have to come to that provides us shelter, a sense of belonging with our families, our friends, and our other family that can’t be forgotten our furry families that share our home with us too.

What New Year’s resolutions do you have for yourself that have to do with your home that you can help to create that control you desire? One of the New Year’s resolutions we see the most is organization. Being more organized, and tidy. Keeping things in their place. We all know too well how quickly a house can spiral out of control, when things end up everywhere and not where they should be. From working from our home office to kids playing in the living room area clutter can become a real issue. We have a couple tricks up our sleeves that will help you to stay more organized keep your home clutter free.

For many of us we have had to work partially or full time from home. When you work from home you would think you would have more time to clean your house, but actually it is quite the opposite. When we work from home we have a tendency to work longer hours, or we get interrupted by home related things so we end up not being done many times till well into the evening. Having a desk set up that allows for organization is key to managing your time while in front of your desk. A desk with an attached bookshelf for storing your papers is a great way to have what you need right at your fingertips and easy to put back too! Organization helps you to manage your time.

The other thing that happens especially during the rainy winter season in Vancouver is the kids inside more. Furniture that has storage built in like our lift up coffee table is perfect for storing the remote controls as well board games. For those with younger kids a nice storage bench in a corner area of the living room is the perfect place to hide toys.

As we move into the New Year Pallucci Furniture can help you to get the organization in your home you need, and that you and your family deserve. Less clutter equals more peace of mind. Our knowledgeable helpful staff will help you to find exactly what you need to fulfill those home New Year’s resolution goals, so you can create the home life you want for 2022. Don’t forget to ask about our in-house financing, no tax and free delivery over $699. We are excited to see you! Happy New Year everyone!